Delightful & Refreshing Mango Sago

Prep time - 20 min Cooking time - 10 – 15 min

Serves 4


Fully ripe mangoes 750g

Tapioca ½ cup

Coconut milk - ½ cup (Made using Knorr Real Coconut Milk Powder)

Sugar 100g


1. In a medium size pot, add about 4 cups of water and bring to boil. Then add the tapioca, reduce the heat and cook for 10 minutes or till tapioca looks translucent. Strain under running water and set side.

2. In a separate bowl, add sugar and coconut milk to tapioca and mix well. Bring to boil and set aside

3. Process mangoes in a food processor to a paste. Divide in to 4 portions and set aside.

4. In small individual serving cups, put a layer of the pureed mango, and then the sago mixture and top with with cubed mangoes, garnish with a mint leave. Chill before serving at least for 1 hour.